David C Collar
Organismal and Environmental Biology (OENB)
Vertebrate Collections Lab: Forbes 2013
Fish Lab: Forbes 2052
Office: Forbes 1001 Phone: (757) 594 7064
Email: david.collar@cnu.edu
Principal Investigator
Current Students
Samantha Tremaine (B.S. 2017, Organismal Biology) is an environmental scientist at Aventi Corporation and is pursuing an MS in Environmental Sceince and Policy at George Mason University
Dylan Thomson (B.S. 2018, Organismal Biology) is a science teacher at Gotham Middle School in Windermere, FL
Emma DiPaolo
Program: B.S., Organismal Biology
Interests: Evolutionary ecology, macroevolution, conservation biology
Emma's research centers on the anatomical basis of body shape evolution in blennies. She combines morphological measurements with phylogenetic comparative methods to reconstruct patterns of anatomical change associated with the origins of extreme elongation.
Trevor Hobbs
Program: M.S. Environmental Science
Interests: Physiological ecology, ichthyology
Trevor's research involves testing the allometry of mummichog predator escape performance. He is particularly interested in whether temperature dependence of escape performance varies across size classes. His work combines performance testing, high speed videography, and morphometrics.